Good news! You can now install MODALIZER+ DICOM Wizard on Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 directly from the Microsoft Store.

We hope that this move will expose MODALIZER+ to more users and organizations and will make it more accessible to potential customers.

The store application functionality is the same with some minor adaptations we had to make in order to comply with Microsoft Store requirements and pass Microsoft validation.

The MODALIZER+ Store applications runs in user mode with private database and files for every user on the shared computer.

Installing from the App Store is simpler and quicker than the MSI installer and has great benefits that we started to explore. For example it makes software updates simple and easy.
We had to make a few changes to the locations where some files are stored such as configuration, database file and the stored DICOM files location that is set to MODALIZERPLUS folder in the user Documents folder.

The free features, 30 days Evaluation and Activation process are all the same.