Knowledge Center
Find all the information about DICOM, learn DICOM terminology such as “association”, “C-GET”, “MPPS”, “SCM”, and much more.
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Abstract Syntax
A Synonym for SOP Class in the context of Association Negotiation.
Application Entity (AE) Title
A unique name of a node in the DICOM network Every DICOM AE has a table where the other AE’s are configured with their host name or IP address and the port they are listening [...]
A network session between two DICOM Application. An association is a two phases process. The first phase is the negotiation where the context of the session is negotiated and the second phase is the actual [...]
A DIMSE Command that is used for the verification service that verifies communication between two DICOM Applications. AKA “DICOM ping”.
A DIMSE Command that performs a “Query” similar to SQL “SELECT” statement. C-FIND is part of the Q/R Service together with C-MOVE and C-GET. C-FIND is also used in the MWL Service.
An obsolete DIMSE Command for retrieving DICOM Instances using matching criteria. C-GET is similar to C-MOVE but instead of starting a new association, the instances are sent over the same connection as responses. [...]
A DIMSE Command that does the following: “Application A asks application B to send DICOM Instances stored in Application B to Application C”. Application C may or may not be application A itself. When Application B [...]
A DIMSE Command that sends a DICOM Object (e.g. Image) from one application (Storage SCU) to another (Storage SCP). The C-STORE command is used in the “Storage Service”.
Clinical Document Architecture. CDA, is part of HL7 Version 3 and is a document markup standard that specifies the structure and semantics of clinical documents for the purpose of exchange between healthcare providers and patients. [...]
Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine. DICOM is a standard that specify image and document format, encoding, network protocol, and data model for use by medical imaging applications.
DICOM Data Element
A piece of information that is part of a larger DICOM Object such as patient name or study date. AKA “DICOM Attribute”. Every DICOM Data Elements is identified by a DICOM Tag that defines the [...]
DICOM File: A computer file on a digital storage device that is structured according to the specification of the DICOM Standard. A DICOM file stores the information of one DICOM Instance (or Object). [...]
DICOM Header
Usually refers to the DICOM elements excluding the image pixel data as people conceive DICOM objects as an image with additional data attributes. Actually the image pixel data is a data element like any other. [...]
DICOM Object
An ordered set of DICOM Data Elements that define some real life object e.g. Image. AKA DICOM Instance. Objects may be stored in files or transferred via network. According to the standard, A DICOM [...]
DICOM Services
The services that the DICOM standard defines. Applications that conform to the DICOM standard implements DICOM services, either as SCU or as SCP.