Support for MPEG2 and MPEG4 video is quite new in DICOM.
Video encoding was introduced to the DICOM standard using new transfer syntaxes.
It is important to note that not all DICOM compliant application support these transfer syntaxes. Don’t know how to check if your application supports transfer syntaxes? Contact us and we will be happy to consult.
**Not all PACS support the MPEG2/MPEG4 transfer syntaxes. If yours doesn’t, you can still enjoy the many benefits of MODALIZER+ including Video-to-DICOM by using the Local Archive feature.
Convert Video to DICOM Using DICOMIZER
With DICOMIZER, Converting Video streams to DICOM is as simple as drag and drop.
Convert MPEG2/MPEG4 Video streams to DICOM, and send them to supporting PACS Implementations using the DICOM protocol. It’s the complete solution to healthcare personnel.
learn more about MODALIZER+
Add Video to DICOM to your Product
Why develop complex DICOM application from scratch, when you can use our DICOM SDK and cut developing times to minimum?
Download the source code of MODALIZER-SDK examples showing how to convert MPEG2/MPEG4 Video Streams to DICOM using MODALIZER-SDK DICOM Toolkit.
Learn more about MODALIZER-SDK
Reduces the task of medical device software development to implementing a single interface.
MODALIZER’s External Application (EXAP) interface is simple and streight forward. The EXAP enables MODALIZER to launch your image capture device software and convert your images to DICOM. Learn More