Connecting Healthcare Information Systems
Innovative Medical Imaging and Healthcare IT software solutions based on DICOM® and HL7® industry standards.

Since 2002 H.R.Z. helped hundreds of companies and organizations to meet their healthcare IT goals and create excellent medical device and medical IT products.
H.R.Z. products are installed worldwide both as OEM and as end product solutions.
Our Products
Innovative Medical Imaging and Healthcare IT Solutions
Latest news
MODALIZER+ Video Tutorials on YouTube
Videos are the most fun way to learn, so they say, and we listen. As part of our efforts to introduce MODALIZER+ to more users, we've started a new video series on HRZ YouTube [...]
MODALIZER+ on Microsoft Store
Good news! You can now install MODALIZER+ DICOM Wizard on Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 directly from the Microsoft Store. We hope that this move will expose MODALIZER+ to more users and organizations and will [...]
New release – MODALIZER+ V6.1 brings back Video Capture directly from the App
The new release of MODALIZER+ V6.1 brings back the in-app video capture capabilities that were available in previous versions only on Windows 7 or required specific and somewhat complicated codec installation. Capturing video directly from [...]